Contestant 2
Head on a Silver

Above and below we have Julien as a Head on a Silver Platter
Mom, Diana, says this costume was cheap and easy to make...
and that the Candles REALLY DO WORK!


This is
Rodney as Zoltar,
who dwells in the Fortune Telling Machine
from the Movie "Big".
Mom, Diana, Created this Costume
and the one above (contestant 2)
Diana says she found most of the materials
to make BOTH Costumes
either at Home, the local Dollar Store
and/or theThrift Store.
Thank you for the
Entries Diana,
Julien, and Rodney.
Best of Luck!
Contestant 4

This is
the cute little Robot from the movie of the same name.
His Creator, in this case, is Roxanne.
Roxanne says it took about 3 weeks to build WALL-E
She used materials she found here and there,
only purchasing a few small items totalling under

Above is WALL-E's

Roxanne is not only WALL-E's builder,
she is also the person inside the Robot.
Roxanne is 5'6".
This photo of WALL-E dancing with a Human
gives us a good idea of how large this Robot actually
Fantastic Costume
Roxanne Ü
Thanks for your entry!!
Contestant 5
Boss Hogg

Isaac who is Boss
from the TV show "The Dukes of Hazzard".
His Dad, James, built the car.
Mom, Brenda, says she did the painting and all of the

Mom, Brenda,
says that this costume was
easy and FUN to make Ü
My thanks to Brenda, James, and Isaac.
Well done!
Contestant 6

This is 1 yr.old Carter
as Octopussy
His Grandmother, Melanie, created this great Costume
completely by hand.
Yes folks, Needle and Thread and her own 2 Hands.

Here (above) is the costume
without the
"Suction Cups" and Face Panel and other fine details.
(which you will only know the "How-to's" of
when I post the Costume instructions after the contest
Wonderful Costume
And thank YOU Carter...
...for standing still for
your Grandmother! Ü
Contestant 7
Lobster in a Clam Shell

This Costume
is called.."Lobster
in a Clam Shell".
The costume was made by Marshall,
who is the proud Papa of the lil lobster, Ryan.
The base of this creative costume is a Baby

Here,(above) is
Ryan who is only 3 weeks old here.
It is becoming very
obvious that
Men do
quite well in
Creative Costume Making Ü
Thanks for the Entry
The Costume is just wonderful! Ü
Contestant 8
Pipe Organ

Above is Phoenix, who happens to love music,
as a FUNCTIONING Pipe Organ. Ü
(anyone can walk right up and play her Ü)
Mom, Jeserae, says the Organ was made 100% from scratch
and that it was a family effort..
with a great deal of the effort coming from Phoenix's Dad.
There are wheels attached on the bottom for easy
Thank you for the
Entry Jeserae, Phoenix and Dad
and any other family members who lent a hand
in this great project.
Good Luck!
Contestant 9

This is Rachel as a
Mom, Shannon says that, aside from the white shirt and
the rest of the costume is home made and
Great Job!
Thank you Shannon and Rachel!
Contestant 10

This is 5 yr. old Arlen as a
The costume was built by Dad, Mike,
who says that the coolest thing is that when
Arlen is dressed as the Robot..
He Walks and Talks like a Robot. Ü
Thanks for the entry
Mike and Arlen
GREAT Costume!
Gods of the Sea

No, these aren't people dressed as Golden
They are pooches, Aladdin and Phoenix dressed as Mermen.
In fact they are Kings Poseidon and Triton, Greek Gods of the
Costumes and Underwater Scene created by sisters Bonnie and
Thank you
The last few
contests I've gotten very few
"Pet" Costume entries.
Thus, I have no "Pet" Costume Contest .
I WILL, however, post Pet Costumes here as entries
IF I get 5 or more Pet entries ..I will open up a "Pet"
Contestant 12
Sponge Bob~Square Pants

This is Brian, age 2
1/2. He is SpongeBob SquarePants.
Brians Mom, Eileen, made this Costume.

Here is Brian/SpongeBob,with
his brother
who is the next Contestant
Patrick Star

This is 5 month
old Lucian (Contestant 12's(above) lil brother).
Lucian is SpongeBobs buddy... Patrick Star.
Mom, Eileen, made this costume also.
GREAT Costume Making
and VERY cute children Ü
Best of luck to You, Brian and Lucian.
Contestant 14
the Chef

This is Wayne as "the Chef" of Muppet
The Chef being Swedish, may be most famous
for his exclamation:
"Bork Bork Bork!" Ü

Wayne is the wearer as well as the
of this Great Costume.
Well done
Thank you for the Entry
AND the education.
(I had to look up what "Bork" is..
interesting answer Ü)
Contestant 15
Soldier Driving a

This is Eddie as a Soldier Driving a
Eddie and Mom, Maria, created the tank with
Cardboard, Paper Towel Rolls, Black Paper, etc.
and LOTS of TAPE! Ü

I am asked to let you know that:
This Costume was Created as a Tribute to
the Men and Women who sacrafice everything
to Serve their Country.
Thanks for the Entry
Maria and Eddie.
and MANY thanks for thinking of our Troops also!
Rag Doll

Here we have 2 yr. old Trinaty
as a lovely little Rag Doll.
Mom, Katrina, sent in this entry.
..all ready for Trick -r-Treat here.
Thank you Katrina and Trinaty...
and Good Luck!
Yeah Baby! !
That's right Folks...
It's Austin Powers.
And this is 6 yr old Mike....
who is breathing life back into those
Retro Clothes.
Mom, Kim, says that
she bought this Vintage Costume
about 3 years ago and had to wait for Mike to grow into it.
Now that he has he looks GROOVY!...
and he's dressed to make us smile.
Thank you for the
Entry Kim and Mike!
GREAT Idea and Creativity!

Great homemade costumes.
The attention to detail is fantastic!
Thanks very much for
the entry
Paula and crew Ü
Contestant 19
Where the Wild Things Are

This IS 3 yr old Max
by the same name as the Character
in the Children's Book/Movie

Max's Mom, Stacy, made the costume
with the help of a pattern.

Max's proud Nana, Barbara,
thought the costume turned out so terrific
that she wants the world to see it Ü
It's a
Thanks for the entry Barbara.
Thank you for the workmanship Stacy.
and Max...thanks for being so adorable Ü
Contestant 20
Wonder Woman
(more or less Ü)
This is a 7 yr. old Pomeranian named Phoebe...
and is very cutely outfitted as Wonder Woman.
Despite the fact
that I have no PET Category
I feel like everyone has a right to compete.
So thank you Pat, for your entry.
Your beastie is cute as can be. Ü

This is Dave as a
Dave and his brother put this awesome
costume together and it is totally Homemade.
...including the Proton Pack (below)
Here is a video of the lights
that they created on the Proton Pack.

made Ecto Goggles and modified a toy RGB Trap.
He also made a PKE Meter out of a lint brush.
(NOT to say that I know what all of that MEANS...
....but I'm sure it is very creative! Ü)
Thanks very much for
the cool entry
Ghostbuster Dave
Contestant 27
Mike and Sully

Created by Hubby, Bob, this is Christine as
Sully(big blue guy)
The lil green guy hanging around is Mike.
They are Characters from Monsters Inc.
The lil girl is there also..as the doll. Ü

Bob made the costumes with Paper Mache, Faux Fur,
Foam and Baked Clay.
The door that Mike is hanging on is Plywood
and has Wheels on it ...so as to be pulled along by

What a great way of including characters
in one costume. Ü
Fantastic Job as usual Bob
Thanks to you also Christine
You look Great!
Contestant 28

Zoltar, from the movie "Big"
is a popular costume this year it seems.Ü
This is 9 yr. old Matthew as Zoltar.
Matthews Mom and Dad built this costume
out of a Cardboard Box ..embellished with
items from the local discount store,
online auction sites, and things
found around the house.

Dad, Christopher, says that the materials mostly
used were
a ton of foam and glue...LOTS of GLUE! Ü
After 40 or so hours of family time
everyone was happy with the results.
It had been the plan for Matthew to TOTE
his booth..But was saved from the ordeal
when Grandpa offered his scooter as "wheels".
into character Ü
Walker family!
Thanks for the wonderful entry!
Contestant 29
Our Little Scarecrow

This is 2 yr. old Tyler as,"Our Little Scarecrow"
as titled by Mom, Tonya.
Mom's secret weapon (and FANTASTIC idea!)
was to use straw from an old "Hula Skirt" as
Tylers stuffing around wrists, pant cuffs, and under hat.

Tonya utilized the second-hand
store for clothing
items that she didn't have on hand.
A bail of hay on a wagon and they had the perfect
hayride backdrop to decorate with gourds, corn,
and even added a little store-bought stand-up
girl scarecrow.

Whew! Even us
hangin-around Scarecrows get a
breaktime in this heat! Time ta take our shoes off,
our hats off, n' kick back a spell.
VERY creative Tonya
and Cute as can be!
Thanks for your entry and Best of Luck!
Contestant 30

This David in Arizona
as an 8 ft. tall Megabot made mostly of Styrofoam.
It has Smoke Effects, Working Pull-String Hands,
& Robot Voice Changer.

Short stilts are involved
to give height to the Megabot.

As well-made and intricate as this
costume appears to be,
no machinery is absolutely required to build it.
REALLY great Job
Thanks for the Entry! Ü

This is Drakan who is dressed as a
This is a simple but definately well
thought-out Costume.
Note that, it's not the clothes that make the man,
It's how the man wears the clothes
that makes him a NERD! Ü
And Drakan KNOWS how to wear them
to get the Nerdiest effect!
Not even forgetting a Nerdy smile!
Thank you Drakan and
for joining me again this year!
Good Luck! Ü

This is "Hindu God Ganesh"
created out of %100 recycled materials.
The entry was sent in by Micheal.
Thanks for the entry
Micheal !
It is certainly an original here! Ü
Contestant 33
Minnie Mouse

This is Alicia as Miss Minnie Mouse.
In the picture above you can see her Mouse Ears.

She looks to be dressed up for her Man
Thank you for your
entry Alicia.
Very Pretty Polka-Dots! Ü

This is 7 yr.old Jacob
as Michael Jackson
in Thriller!
The Jacket was homemade using a
Vinyl Tablecloth as material. Genius! Ü
Entry sent in
Jacob's Grandmother, Lyn.
Thanks Lyn!
Jacob looks GREAT!
Here are Dan and Sue,
dressed and ready to do a lil Crab Catching(fishing?)
IF the Crabs don't catch them first!
From the TV Series "Deadliest Catch"
which shows why Crabbing is indeed one of the
Deadliest Jobs that people perform.
Thanks Dan and
Awesome, Original Costumes.
Contestant 39

This is Logan as General Grievious,
a Warrior of Star Wars fame.

I hear that he is an enemy to Jedi Knights...

..and upon killing a Jedi,
the General claims the knights Light Saber
as a TROPHY!
Thanks for the entry Logan...
and costume creating helpers. Ü
It is obvious that LOTS of
and patience went into this
Contestant 40

This is Keilani..
Out for her Halloween Treats...
Or will there be TRICKS?
Only this lil witch knows Ü
to Keilani and her Mom
for the bewitching entry. Ü
This is Keith, age
6, from Virginia,
as sent in by mom(?),Katrina.
Thanks for the
Katrina and Keith! Ü
Contestant 42

This is 6 yr. old Logan as R2D2.The lovable Star
Wars Robot .
LOTS of work went into this Costume by Logan's Dad, Rick.
Rick says that one of the best features...
(which cannot be "seen" in the Photo...)
Is the continuous R2D2 sounds eminating from the
lil guy ..by way of IPod and speakers installed by
Thanks so much Rick
and Logan!
GREAT Costume! Ü
Contestant 43
Robert says that a
lotta Love went into
the building of this
8 ft. tall LegoMan Costume.
It is built to scale using Cardboard,
Chicken Wire, and Paper Mache.
He's a BIG Bego Man. Ü
Thanks for the Entry!
Contestant 44
Easy Mac &

This young man
is Blake and he is
Easy-to-make Mac and Cheese.
The Costume was made by Blakes parents,
Jeff and Andrea..
...and probably was not very "easy-to-make". Ü
Thank you Jeff, Andrea, and Blake
for the wonderfully creative entry. Ü

This is a Handmade Costume by
He is also the person wearing the Costume...
as Mayor McCheese.
Great looking Burger
Thanks for your entry. Ü
Contestant 46

This lil Princess is
as sent in by her Auntie Rose
Thank you for the
cute entry
Rose and Stella
What a SMILE! Ü

Young Emil as H.R. Pufnstuff,
Mayor of Living Island.

Mom, Cheryl, says everything,
(aside from the pants and yellow shirt), is hand
From the chicken wire right out to the felt skin,
Cheryl says that making this Costume
was a labor of love.
I hear ya Cheryl!
Thanks for the beautiful entry.
Contestant 48

Much technical
know-how went into creating
this, scaled-to-fit, original and adorable
Pocketbook...or Purse...
being modeled by one of Dan's 2 daughters.
Dan says that the purse is fully functional.
The little window shows typical items
a woman might carry in her purse.
Change, Gum, a hairbrush.
GREAT Costume Dan
and daughter!
I can honestly say.....
I've not seen this costume before. Ü

This is Shaye as a Vampire. With the phone close at
are there plans to call and invite someone over for a
Thank you again Katrina!
Thanks Shaye
Great looking Costume and make-up.
Contestant 50
"Where the Wild Things

This is Bryan as Carol from the Book and Movie
"Where the Wild Things Are"

This Costumes creator, Bryan,
(with a lil help from his wife Ü)
made Carols head of Paper Mache..
and the fur from a couple of Blankets
spray painted for the stripe effect.
Then Feathers were added to legs.
Thank you for the
fantastic Costume.
Carol obviously required
talent and lots of work to build.
GREAT Job Bryan!
Kudos to your wife for all her help Ü
Contestants 51
X Men

Sent in by Greg here is a very
cool Group Entry of
Wolverine(Vince), Sabretooth(Greg),
and Mystique (Jennifer).
Not THAT's how to use Make-up and
to create some fantastic look-a-LOT-likes.
There is really no doubt who they are. Ü
Thanks for the entries Greg!
REALLY Awesome Xmen!
(and woman?)
Contestant 52

This is Goosamar..a friend of good
ole Bugs Bunny.
Entry sent in by "Badlands of Borrie Ave."
who made the costume out of Faux Fur for
one of his Badland neighbors.
Thanks for the entry
Nice to see your work as usual.
Best of Luck!
Contestant 53
Palm Tree
w/Treasure Chest

This young man is Alex, and he makes a very
Palm Tree..with a Treasure Chest resting in it's shade.

A closer look at the Treasure
...with jewels and coins overflowing onto the sand.
Yes, REAL sand under the Palm Tree to give
the ground a "realistic" feel.

The Palm Tree without
Costume was made by Badlands Bob and Alex
and was entered by Alex.
Thanks to Bob and
for the Excellent work!
Again... Ü
Contestant 54

Here is Badlands Bob in a Wolfman Costume that
created for himself this year. He used Faux Fur and some
rather raggedy clothing..
(the wolf musta torn them during the "change")

"What big friggin' TEETH you have
Made out of Baked Clay says Bob.

This lil guy is the only "Full-Body"
photo that the Wolfman has of himself.
It's OK Bob..we get the picture..Ü
All I can do is
THANK YOU again Bob
I enjoy your costumes every year!
YEOW! Great Job Curtis!
Thank you for the ENTRY!!! Ü
Michael Jackson(s)

This is a pair of 2 yr. old boys,
Casius and Braylon.
Their Costumes were designed in Memory of Michael Jackson.
I am told that the boys mimic some of the artists
Music Videos that they are familiar with and that the
performance is awesome to see. Ü

The Costumes/Outfits were totally
hand made
with lots of fabric glue and glitter.
Thank you for the
The boys are just adorable.Ü
Contestant 58

Here Saloni as
Mystique, from X Men

Saloni says it took
"forever" to make this
Costume. Ü
She personally dyed, glued, cut, and painted
the Costume.
Then... she drew and painted all of the
detail on her face. Undoubtably a LOT of work.
BUT! what great results! Ü
Welcome to the
world of
Sometimes it's more work than we would think! Ü
Thanks for the entry
You DO look lovely!
I DO, personally,
think it was worth your time.
Contestant 60
Emerald Ash
Borer Bug

The Emerald Ash Borer
is an insect that has been infesting Ash Trees
in, and around the Twin Cities.
To gauge the level of infestation..
..the city hung PURPLE TRAPS in the Ash Trees.
Traps are similar to Fly Paper.

7 months old Brooks..
...is a Borer Bug caught on the side of the Trap..
....hanging in a very nice Ash Tree. Ü
Many Thanks to
Brooks and Family
for the very interesting, educational
AND creative Costume. Ü
Contestant 61
Where the Wild Things

The creativity of everyone this
year is just AWESOME! Ü
Here is a group fashioned after the Book, rather than the
Helena/ Mom is Carol....Daughter Nyssa, 5 yrs. old, is Max..
..and The Bull is Hubby/Dad , Johnny.
Helena made these Costumes herself.
She used Acrylic Paint to get the great face coloring.
Thanks for your entry.
Fantastic Costumes!
Contestant 62
Jon & Kate
plus 8

Now here's an ORIGINAL
idea sent in by Michelle.
For those of you who don't watch this reality TV
It's about a couple (Jon & Kate Ü) and the wild times
that they have raising their 8 small

Oh my goodness..look at that POUT!
A Perfect "Kate"!.
Very Cool
"Reality TV Celebrity" Costume Idea.
Contestant 64
I have seen similar, to
this idea, as a "prop" for
Halloween Decorations..But I'm sure that I've never seen
as a COSTUME before! Ü
This great and unusual Costume was sent in by Margaret,
who's 11 yr. old son, Parker, had an idea to be a Skeleton
Halloween. Mom decided to go the extra mile and
Parker's "Skeleton" something a bit more special
One thing you cannot know by viewing
photo is the fact that the Costume wearer has levers
( of a sort) beneath the Graveyard that allows him to
move the feet up and down. Ü
(Another one for my "Homemade Costumes"
section after the contest is over. Ü)
Many thanks Margaret & Parker
Wonderfully creative idea!
Penguin & Puffle

Here we have Hayley, age 7,(left) and Brooke, age
They are a Penguin, and his pet, a Puffle..
..from Club Penguin, an on line interactive game by Disney.
These costumes are Homemade by Mom, Margaret.
(Also Mom to Parker..the contestant just above)
Margarets daughters wanted to be these characters
although they aren't known well enough to be for sale
in Costume Stores yet.
..So...Margaret being the wonderful Mom that she is..
put her mind to it and created some very cute
Costumes that her daughters were thrilled to wear!
Thank you
and Thank you Hayley and Brooke.
You look Fantastic!
Contestant 66
Frosty the

This is 3 yr. old Wyatt who wanted to be
Frosty the Snowman for Halloween.
(not at all a bad idea since I'd think
he could wear it for Christmas too! Ü)
Mom, Alicia, put this costume together using
various items from around the house and added
some spray on sparkles for the "snow" effect.
(which I think worked VERY well!) With the added
accessories, like the Hat, Broom, etc.
Alicia says the whole affair cost less than $10.00.
Wow Alicia..REALLY
Love the "Snow" sparkle!
Thank you Alicia and Wyatt..
for the "Cool" (pun intendedÜ) entry.
Contestants 67

This beautiful little Jack-o-Lantern is Jenna
Miss Jenna has been coming to my contest since
she was just a

Jenna Jade is wearing a Jack-o-Lantern Costume
that her Mom, Stephanie, wore when SHE went
Trick-r-Treating as a child. The Costume was
Hand-Made by Jenna's Great Grandmother.
(Mom Stephanie's Grandmother)
(which I think is REALLY cool! Ü)
Thank you
and Thank you Jenna Jade
You are just as beautiful as ever!
Contestant 68
Lil Jack-o-Lantern

This is Lexie, as a Lil Jack-o-Lantern.
This is her 1st year in my Costume Contest.
She is following in her sister's
(Jenna Jade, contestant above)
footsteps as a cutie pie.
Thanks again
and Thank you Lexie
The girls are lovely!

This is a Mascot known as Bevo
of Texas Longhorn fame.
"Hook'em Horns #1"
Brian is the name of the human inside of the Bull.

Brian's Uncle Freddy made the bull head
out of Cardboard / Foam and is, indeed a great
Brian says that his Uncle can make just about anything
anyone can think of.
We don't know who the little green monster is
but Bevo obviously drew her fond attention Ü
Thanks for the entry
And Uncle Freddy you are a PRO
This Bevo Is GREAT !!!Ü
Barbie in her Box

This is Lisa, as Barbie,
in her very impressive Box.
Barbies Box contains Accessories...
"Tiara for you" and Signature Hairbrush.

Lisa started with a Wardrobe Box she purchased.
This was bare Cardboard.
All Artwork was done by Lisa.
(my humble opinion Ü)

Lisa made the Barbie Dress she is wearing.
Then she donned a Blonde Wig and
Blue Contact Lenses. She wore Toy Jewelry to
wrap up her look. Lisa says it took about a month
to complete thisproject..But we can agree..
...It WAS well worth the time.
Really REALLY nice
job Lisa
Thanks for the entry!
Contestant 71

This is Ethan as
Ethan's Mom, Amanda, says that Ethan's
Grandmother made Rocky's Robe and Shorts
in a silk fabric.

"Rocky" Letters are ironed onto the back of the
While Trick-r-Treating Rocky's theme song
"Flying High Now" could be heard.

Mom says, Ethan's
Costume was much appreciated
as he and family are from just outside of Philly..
..The same place that "Rocky" was from.
(in the story that is Ü)
Thank you Amanda and
Many thanks to Grandmother also,
for her supreme sewing skills Ü
You look Awesome Ethan!
Michael Jackson

Taylor sent in this brilliant multi-staging
of Michael Jackson.
from left to right :
Taylor's wife, Natasha, in THRILLER
In the middle we have their 2 boys,
Furthest left is Little Michael from the Jackson 5.
Then next to him, a cool Smooth Criminal
in the very classy white suit.
Taylor, on the right, is doing the iconic Billy Jean.
Taylor lost 41 lbs to better portray, and stay true
to Michael's memory.
THAT was a" WOW!" from me!
Those who are able SHOULD watch this
youtube Video of Taylor dancing
Michael Jackson style to "Billy Jean".
Thank you Natasha and Taylor
Really really COOL!
Taylor you CAN dance! Ü
Contestant 73

This is Victoria as a 50's girl in
her Bobby Socks
and her Pink Poodle Skirt. I am told by Mom, Sheri,
that Victoria even chewed the Pink Bubble Gum
which was ALL the RAGE during the 50's.
Thanks for the entry
Victoria you are the COOLEST! Ü
Contestant 74
Hockey Referee

This is Nolan, with some comic relief, as
Blind Hockey Referee. Nolan, a Hockey player
himself, may have some experience with referees
making bad calls, (as we all know they tend to DO
when the call is against OUR team! Ü) leaving fans
to believe that the ref "Must be blind!".
I figure THAT must be the key to
Nolan's Costume. Ü
Sent in by Nolan's
Mom, Sheri.
Thank you Sheri and Nolan!
Great idea!
Contestant 75

Here we have Landon as a little
Landon's Mom, Sheri, created this costume
completely from items found at her local thrift
store. The clothes were actually a wool jacket and
dress set. Sheri put needle and thread to the skirt
to create knicker pants to fit Landon.
A darling lil Leprechaun he is!
Thanks for, yet another great entry.Ü
Free Puppies

"I want THAT
The one in the back with the SWEETEST of faces!"
This is Mei Lin as a FREE PUPPY!
The costume was obviously not the hardest one to make...
BUT!!! how do people come up with the IDEA
for something like this! It's an AWESOME idea!
Mei Lin is just adorable in her lil Doggie Costume.
But I happen to know a Mommy who wouldn't give
her away for FREE or even for a million BUCKS. Ü
Her name is Sheri and she is Mom
to the last 4 contestants above. Ü
Thank you again
My thanks to you and the rest
of your family for joining me again this year. Ü
Remember, You can send me your
Halloween Costumes
Nov. 20th, 2009.
It may not look like it to you
but I have LOTS of room for more!
If you have sent me an entry
and it's not been posted as yet..
..Please resend it.
I must not have
recieved it.