2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Homemade Pokemon Costumes

"Lucario" from Pokemon

Pokemon Lucario Costume Homemade Pokemon Lucario Costume

In Justin's Mom, Mrs. J words:

The head for this costume was formed with corrugated board strips and duct-tape, then covered with cast material available at craft stores. The tubes on the back of the head are wrapping paper tubes reshaped a bit and covered with the cast material, then bolted onto the main head, cover the inside bolt with foam for safety and to fill in the head so it is more comfortable to wear. Visibility is limited in a costume like this, so the wearer needs a handler like you see mascots have. The plaster casting was painted in the Lucario color scheme.

The costume is made of felt. It will pill up with wear, but the felt gives it more shape than other fabrics. The top is one piece tucked into shorts that we constructed, then made a lining for and stuffed with plastic grocery store bags. The feet are stuffed and have elastic under them to attach to the top of his shoes. The feet are attached to half a pant leg, with elastic at the top, since this is lined with plastic bags, another layer would be pretty warm! The hands are gloves we made of felt to match. The spikes on the neckband, chest front and gloves are cones we made of felt, stuffed, then hand stitched on. The tail has a wire sewn all around the outside edge to help hold it up and give it shaped. It's stuffed with plastic bags, too, then hand sewn onto the back of the costume. His prop is just a playground ball. We'll also make him a treatbag shaped like a pokeball. I forgot that detail until just now! We thought it turned out very well. It took me about five evenings to make. I used a pj pattern for the basis of the top and shorts, otherwise it was experiment and see what works. I had 3/4 yard of the blue fabric (it was a remmenant, and it took it all) It really only took about a 1/2 yard of the gray and 1/2 of the off white. Always cut out pieces bigger than you think, they shrink when you sew them together (like the feet and gloves), it's easier to take them in than start over! By the way, I took shop in high school, not sewing, so anyone who can sew a straight line should be able to get the same results!

Many thanks to Mrs. J
and to Justin too. Ü


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If you don't have the time or the inclination to MAKE a costume this year. If you've thought about it, but your heart, for whatever reason, JUST isn't in it...You can probably purchase a costume of the type you were planning to make...and maybe even for about the same as you might spend on the materials to MAKE a costume. On the other hand, you may look around and spot a Costume that changes your Costume plans completely Ü.

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