2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Aladdin and Jasmine riding a Magic Carpet Costume

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Aladdin and Jasmine riding a Magic Carpet Costume

prince ali and jasmine on magic carpet

More views: (click to enlarge)
Photo #1 - prince ali and jasmine on magic carpet Photo #2 - a whole new world Photo #3 - school costumes ali and jasmine Photo #4 - prince ali and jasmine Photo #5 - prince ali turns out to be merely aladdin
Costume type:  Costumes for Kids
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes

This homemade costume for kids entered our 2022 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Michelle, the 'Aladdin and Jasmine riding a Magic Carpet' costume creator:

My son wanted a transforming costume and my daughter wanted a princess costume. In the past we've done Disney themed costumes, so I tried to stick w/ the same theme. Since designing a princess costume seemed too simple, I decided to add an optical illusion element to the costume. I took a cardboard and cut out two wholes and attached string that the kids would wear under their costume.

For the costumes, I needed something that the kids could wear at school but also wanted to do something different. So I set out to create a transforming costume Aladdin/Ali for my son and a Jasmine costume for my daughter to wear at school. Then I created the magic carpet piece for them to wear trick or treating.

We dressed my son up as Aladdin underneath and I designed a Prince Ali costume where he could easily pull off the top/bottom/hat and transform into Aladdin. The key was small magnetic pieces of fabric that could easily connect and be pulled apart. For my daughter, I purchased different types of beading and trim from Etsy to try to get the look as close to the live action video as I could.

For the optical illusion (which was probably the easiest part of this whole thing) I created an extra set of bottoms for each kids outfit, stuffed it with cotton and then cut a hole in it so the kids could wear it around their waste, but it'd look like they were sitting on the carpet.

Hope you enjoy this as much as they did.

Rating: 4.6 of 5. Votes: 10

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