2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest
Baby Porcupine Costume
by Deanna
Porcupine Costume
by Danni
Porcupine Costume
by Amanda

Ash from Sing Costume

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Ash from Sing Costume

Ash from Sing (relaxed Ash)

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Photo #1 - Ash from Sing (relaxed Ash) Photo #2 - Ash from Sing Photo #3 - Ash from Sing Photo #4 - Ash from Sing Photo #5 - Ash from Sing
Costume type:  Costumes for Kids
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes

This homemade costume for kids entered our 2017 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Kelli, the 'Ash from Sing' costume creator:

I couldn’t find a porcupine costume anywhere so we had to get creative. Made from a black hoodie, brown zip ties and scotch tape we created Ash. I bought some fabric and made a skirt.

Rating: 4.2 of 5. Votes: 201

201 votes


#1 comment by Rasa December 13, 2017

You costume awesome! I have this problem too. My daughter wants a costume Esh from movie. How you created Esh needles?

#2 comment by Ascensión June 3, 2018

Hola!!! Me encanta el disfraz de Ash... Me podeis ayudar cómo hacelo?? Las púas como estan echas y pegadas??...GRACIAS de ante mano

#3 comment by far August 31, 2018

hey kelli! great job! how did you attach the zip ties to the fabric? and did you attach all the zip ties one by one?��

#4 comment by Ashley September 6, 2018

This costume looks awesome! How did you attach the zip ties? Any other tips on how to make it? My daughter wants to be Ash for Halloween this year :)

#5 comment by Gretchen Strong September 13, 2018

yes! how did you attach the zipties? my 5 year old wants to be ash this year too!!! (I don't sew with a machine, can hand sew!! thanks

#6 comment by Juliana Silverman October 5, 2018

Omg! I love it! I have the same problem. How did you attached the zip ties into the hoodie? Please help me.

#7 comment by Donna October 9, 2018

Have not seen any answers to all the above questions and I also need the Easiest way to attached zip ties to hoodie, would a glue gun make the hoodie to heavy for a 3 year old?
Thank you..

#8 comment by anguie October 18, 2018

hola esta genial este disfraz por favor en que material estan hecha las tiras. por favor

#9 comment by far October 22, 2018

hi all.. I just did this costume for my girl too.. you can see it at my IG @8ioluminescent..
will post some more close ups..
I sewed each one hahha .. cos yeah I was trying to avoid it being to heavy if I use glue gun..

#10 comment by Tracy October 27, 2018

I'm making this costume and am planning to use duct tape to attach. It took long enough to make the quills. There is no way I can sew them each on! If the duct tape doesn't work, I will use hot glue. I'm interested to know how many quills you all made...

#11 comment by Maria September 14, 2019

Greattt and excelentttt custome!!! Please help me how can I make this custome!!! My daughter wants this custome! I don't know how to make the zip ties! Pleaseeeeee

#12 comment by Lea fortuna July 24, 2021

Do you want to sell the headpiece by any chance?!

#13 comment by Linda Fischer October 26, 2021

How did you keep the heavy ash hoodie on the top of hairline ours wants to keep falling backwards? Thanks

#14 comment by Kelly Lambert August 3, 2022

This is AMAZING!! How many zip ties did it take? Great job!

#15 comment by Silvana July 24, 2023

olá...preciso fazer a peruca porém estou sem saber como fazer. Alguém pode me dar uma idéia de como fazer?

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