2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Dobby the House Elf Costume

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Dobby the House Elf Costume

Dobby clicking his fingers to make fire

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Photo #1 - Dobby clicking his fingers to make fire Photo #2 - Our side by side Photo #3 - Dobby
Costume type:  Costumes for Girls
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes, Literary Costumes

This homemade costume for girls entered our 2014 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Erika, the 'Dobby the House Elf' costume creator:

My birthday is Halloween so every year I have to go all out! In college, my teammates nicknamed me Dobby and I embraced it and finally made it come to life this year! I knew I would need a latex bald cap, extension ears and great makeup to really make it work. My friend helped me trim the bald cap to fit my head and we glued it all on with spirit gum. I have medium length hair so let me tell you, it wasn't easy! We applied makeup to the cap to blend it all in to my skin which took about an hour. Then, I cut up a pillow case to wear which is exactly what Dobby wears too!

Rating: 4.4 of 5. Votes: 18

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