2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Singer on Piano Costume

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Singer on Piano Costume

Singer on Piano 1

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Photo #1 - Singer on Piano 1 Photo #2 - Singer on Piano 2
Costume type:  Costumes for Women
Category:Halloween Costumes

This homemade costume for women entered our 2018 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Renee, the 'Singer on Piano' costume creator:

I made this costume for my college daughter to wear to a party then she didn't end up using it, so I I did! I made the piano out of foam board and silver insulation tape. The legs are stuffed pantyhose covered with fishnet stockings and bent a wire hanger and put it in to bend the leg. I had an issue keeping the leg up so I took a stick and propped it up for this pic. I cut the dress to go on me and still have enough to lay on the piano. I have on black yoga pants and a wig. The black piano keys are chip clips and I just covered the whole thing with black felt. I butt is apparently big enough to hold up the piano without straps. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. LOL It's mostly about making a real looking piano and I just cut my shape out freehand by looking at a real baby grand piano.

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Rating: 4.4 of 5. Votes: 12

12 votes


#1 comment by Darlene September 15, 2020

So so awesome ! I'm trying to duplicate this this year.
How wide was your piano in front and how long till the back?

#2 comment by Renee Adams September 16, 2020

Hi ok I have made this costume .2x once for my daughter then once for me. So basically I just eyed it. Meaning I drew it out big then cut it down to be able to fit in a car and through doors. If you want and I have done this last year with a girl (a news caster) lol she would call and FaceTime me with questions- I dint mind at all if you want to talk. If you want to see all my costumes throughout the years I have an Instagram page at ReneeAdamsHalloweenCostumes
Let me know how I can help. Find me at

#3 comment by Trecia October 24, 2020

Hi there, how did you get the piano to stay up on your body?

#4 comment by Renee Adams October 24, 2020

At Joanns go buy a piece of clear table cover and cut it into a strip.

#5 comment by Kathy Scherrer-Cieplinski October 3, 2021

what do the words read on front of piano
very creative

#6 comment by Marge C August 20, 2024

Great costume! Can you tell me the dimensions you used?

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