2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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The Hulk Costume

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The Hulk Costume

The Hulk Costume

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Photo #1 - The Hulk Photo #2 - The Hulk Photo #3 - The Hulk
Costume type:  Costumes for Men
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes, Comic Book Costumes

This homemade costume for men entered our 2018 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Dane, the 'The Hulk' costume creator:

I'm in the Costume. The idea came from a good friend who loves the Incredible Hulk. This costume is a one of a kind. It took me a solid month to make this working night and day. I glued stiffened foam together with contact cement. carved it out to shape. I put on "glued" foam skin and painted. used boots with wood blocks screwed to them an glued foam around them. I wear a body suit that has the thighs (made of light soft foam) and stomach glued to it. the shoulders, chest and back, are football shoulder pads with carved stiffened foam to shape.

Rating: 4.7 of 5. Votes: 10

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#1 comment by Koko June 23, 2019

Hi can you help me make this for 2019 I have no problem paying for this PLEASE

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