Tomato Pin Cushion Costume
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The Tomato Pin Cushion!
Costume type: | Costumes for Women |
Category: |
This homemade costume for women entered our 2012 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Caitlin, the 'The Tomato Pin Cushion' costume creator:
I'm a very crafty lady, and wanted a costume this year that would personify that, yet be recognizable to the general public, and allow me to really get into the details.
I started by making my pins, which are fully functional and able to "stab" and retract. They're made from TV antenna, painted plastic Christmas ornaments, and the 'ole standby, duct tape.
My strawberry sharpener is made from felt, measuring tape, and opened and closed as my purse for the evening!
My collar is also made from felt, and sewn with a snap at the back.
The thimble hat is made from a plastic solo cup, painted with silver and black, with a bit of felt and bobby pins on the bottom so it could be pinned into my hair with ease.
The rest is sewing related jewelry, varying from a pin cushion bracelet, a bobbin ring, a giant button ring, and scissor/needle threader earrings. The green strips on my dress are hand plied yarn.
Definitely one of my favorite costumes to date, and super affordable with the right base piece! The best commentary I received was, "My grandma had one of you!"
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Rating: 4.6 of 5. Votes: 29
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