2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Charles Manson and Sharon Tate Costume

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Charles Manson and Sharon Tate Costume

Charles Manson and Sharon Tate Costume

Costume type:  Costumes for Couples
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Celebrity Costumes

This homemade costume for couples entered our 2012 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Randi, the 'Charles Manson & Sharon Tate' costume creator:

Me and my boyfriend came up with Charles Manson and Sharon Tate!

Rating: 2.3 of 5. Votes: 116

116 votes


#1 comment by cathy R October 29, 2012

These costumes are two of the best I have ever seen!! Soooooooo creepy!

#2 comment by sarah May 21, 2013

disgusting and disrespectful, you both suck.

#3 comment by Holly August 21, 2013


#4 comment by Kathy September 14, 2013

Halloween is meant to be fun. There is absolutely NO humor in that! This was a horrible crime. You should be ashamed.

#5 comment by KJKRF September 28, 2013

You aren't even accurate toy clearly did not depict Sharon as the woman nearly full term of her pregnancy!!!!
If you're going to be thoughtless, sick, and deplorably insensitive, at least be accurate!!!! This was only 42 years ago...this isn't ancient history kiddos. There are many with close ties to this case who are still alive. I believe your mistake was not doing quite enough research... Just because these two are named said one following always soon after the other. I believe that should you ever try this one again, you might go with Lynnette "Squeaky" Fromme or Mary Brunner. But better still just put this down as an epic fail in both the couples & general costumes

#6 comment by Brandi October 12, 2013

This is absolutely disgusting and beyond disrespectful! U guys should be ashamed! Halloween is meant to be fun, this has no humor what so ever!

#7 comment by Annie December 27, 2013

Eww. Where in your repugnant brains did this seem like a good idea for a costume? That woman and her child were murdered by a gang acting on that evil mans orders dying in the most terrifying and painful way imaginable and you think it;s acceptable to make costumes as if they were some fictitious characters from a movie rather than a real life monster and one of the victims of said monster? You guys need a smack.

#8 comment by Marisa February 12, 2014

Congratulations, both you and your boyfriend have proved what big idiots you are. I hope none of Sharon's family sees this. You disgusting, horrible people. You both are what is wrong with society. Please crawl back into your mothers wombs because you both came out wrong.

#9 comment by Ed September 2, 2014

can you imagine how hurt and horrified the victim's families would be to see this? I don't say shame often but shame on both of you! I think by reading this you know how wrong the choice was to depict something real and terrible!

#10 comment by Me September 7, 2014

You and your "Boyfriend" have shown the world the character of your soul.

#11 comment by lannie September 8, 2014

That was a horrifying crime and u both should be ashamed of urselfs

#12 comment by Rob September 24, 2014

Fuck the haters. Shit is clever and funny.

#13 comment by Nicole November 27, 2014

Your costume is very creative!

#14 comment by junior December 16, 2014

No fun. Bad idea.

#15 comment by A admirer of Sharon Tate April 11, 2015

You should burn in hell, Sharon Tate was an innocent woman who didn't deserve a sick bastard like Charles Manson to so disgracefully take her and her unborn baby's precious life. You should be truly ashamed of yourselves. Shame on you.

#16 comment by DANI May 17, 2016

Ewwwwww a bit of a touchy subject. Maybe the Manson costume alone... don't know, it is a Halloween theme.I got to say.... Clever idea. And I'm a fan of Sharon Tate. Brutal crime... Absolutely but a true fan of the gore genre (wich I'm also am) would find this clever. I'm sure no harm was intended. Or at least I would hope not.

#17 comment by Karma November 26, 2016

Serial killers still exists. So don't start crying if you get murdered in the same fashion or worse when you get pregnant. Or maybe something awful will happen to your baby. Karma will return on you.

#18 comment by Marlieke Broekmeulen January 8, 2017

This is beyond sickness. Why does this sick Manson figure still get's all this glory?

#19 comment by Cindy Westlake September 24, 2018

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!!!!!! Whoevers idea thos is you are beyond sick and anyone who would be evil enough to sell it!

#20 comment by Love October 31, 2018

This is so tasteless and disgusting think about the families. Not ok.

#21 comment by Zanella May 25, 2019

This is so disgusting. It's like people forget she was a real person with a real family. Beyond disrespectful and tasteless. This made me sick

#22 comment by Clare June 8, 2019

Really disrespectful, what's wrong with people who get off on other people being murdered in real life? What if it was you being murdered? Think about it.

#23 comment by Sharon Stevens August 1, 2019

tex watson killed Sharon Tate and baby, not manson

#24 comment by A Normal Person August 15, 2019

Yeah just reallly disrespectful, in bad taste, and unfunny

#25 comment by Cheri White October 13, 2020

Can I buy these costumes?

#26 comment by Chip Tamagni October 17, 2020

Insulting to the families of the victims, better hope they never this.

#27 comment by Jeremy Wilson November 7, 2020

This kind of edginess is what's needed in Halloween. It's very disturbing from the gruesome murders, but that's what makes it good. These haters are very close minded and oversensitive. It's a distinguishing idea and pushes the boundary, not only that, it looks awesome.

#28 comment by Alyssa October 19, 2021

This is literally so disgusting I have no words.. you should both be ashamed of yourself.. making light of an innocent woman's brutal murder and that of her unborn baby. This isn't funny or cool it's deplorable .. and I hope karma comes back to bite you both in the ass in due time

#29 comment by Luna July 12, 2023

This is very personal what happened to these people and their innocent families and you are a disgrace and show no respect at all. No class. Manson the cult leader was the sickest out of all of them.

#30 comment by Ken April 14, 2024

Everyone is being a crybaby about this.

This is freaking great

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