2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest
Family of Pokemon Costume
by Sarah
Pokemon Costume
by Ed
Togepi Costume
by Seleste

Baby Togepi Pokemon Costume

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Baby Togepi Pokemon Costume

baby pokemon

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Photo #1 - baby pokemon Photo #2 - finished Photo #3 - he won the neighborhood costume contesr
Costume type:  Costumes for Babies
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Cartoon Costumes

This homemade costume for babies entered our 2014 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Sarah, the 'Baby Togepi' costume creator:

Patrick is almost 3 months old, we did a family pokemon theme and he was togepi. I sewed a hood onto a yellow sleeper. Cut the egg part out of white fabric and an altered white onsie and fabric glued the red and blue shapes to it. The spikes around the hood are made from foam wrapped in the same material as the hood.

Rating: 4.4 of 5. Votes: 41

41 votes


#1 comment by brett allen February 18, 2015

Could you make me one for my daughter :)

#2 comment by Mario avila July 9, 2016

How do I buy

#3 comment by Emerald corley July 29, 2016

Can I buy one for my daughter?

#4 comment by LeAnn July 29, 2016

Is there a way to buy this costume?

#5 comment by Sarah August 4, 2016

Email me at serendipity138.sg[at]Gmail.com and I can see what I can do.

#6 comment by Anna August 12, 2016

How much would you charge to make one of these?

#7 comment by Diana September 4, 2016

Interested in buying one exactly like this in 6-9m. Can you email me the price please?

#8 comment by Imogene September 4, 2016

Hi! I love to buy one of these in 6-9 months if possible. Please email me if you're able to.

#9 comment by Steph September 4, 2016

How can I buy the costume how much is it

#10 comment by Amanda White September 5, 2016

I love this! How much is it?

#11 comment by Justeen September 7, 2016

I'd love to get one for a 24 month old or 2t, either or how do i go about this?! And how much.

#12 comment by Jasmine Aebersold September 13, 2016

I want on for my son for Halloween!!! How much and how can j get it from you

#13 comment by Patrice September 14, 2016

Hi....I love this costume! I'd love one for my daughter. Would you be willing to make one and if so how much?

#14 comment by Tiffany Arnold September 18, 2016

I have a new born and would love this for her where could I get it and how much???

#15 comment by Lanphi September 27, 2016

I would to buy this costume for my son, he'll be 9 months old for this Halloween. How much does this costume cost?

#16 comment by Heidi neider September 29, 2016

How do you buy this??!

#17 comment by Frank October 3, 2016

How much does this costume cost for a 9 month old? please email me asap

#18 comment by Maria October 14, 2016

how can I buy one 6-9monthes

#19 comment by Mariah July 17, 2017

I would love this for my daughter! How much would a newborn size be?

#20 comment by Alei August 28, 2017

I want one so bad were can i buy

#21 comment by Darlene September 1, 2017

Ineeeeedone!!! Please inform me where to buy

#22 comment by Vy Huynh September 18, 2017

Hey Sarah I'm super interested in your baby togepi costume. How much will you charge for this?

#23 comment by Kim September 28, 2017

I'm trying to find one for a 5 month old. Any ideas

#24 comment by Megan Rose April 12, 2018

Do you think you could make one for a baby that is going to be in 9 month clothing? My daughter who is five is wanting to go as pikachu so we figured daddy would go as ash me as Misty and Timothy my son as togepi but having trouble finding a costume. Please email me back and let me know cost and everything.

#25 comment by Rossy Chirinos June 20, 2018

how much do you charge for costume

#26 comment by Dan williams July 3, 2018

Hi I'd like one for my daughter, from 1-3 months?

#27 comment by Taylor August 10, 2018

ID love this costume for my son six month old please please. It's for Halloween my daughter is pikachu my husband is ash I'm misty and I need a toga Po customer for my son :)

#28 comment by Kaycee Raymond August 28, 2018

Do you still make these they are so cute and so awesome and would go with our family's theme for Halloween this year

#29 comment by Araceli September 7, 2018

Please let me know if you are making these to sell.

#30 comment by Lili September 23, 2018

Also interested in this costume if you're making them

#31 comment by Mel October 7, 2018

How can I purchase this?

#32 comment by Kaitlyn January 31, 2019

Could you make me one of these for the beginning of May and if so how much and i would need it for a 6month old

#33 comment by Coral Menhenitt May 10, 2019

Oh wow could I possibly buy one if you are still making them? 0-3 month or 3-6 month please?

#34 comment by Christine Degroot October 13, 2019

Would you possibly be interested in making one for my son? He is in 12 month clothing at the moment and we are doing a Pokemon theme for our family. If possible please email me at christine_degroot80[at]yahoo.com

#35 comment by Misty July 13, 2020

Are you making the baby togepi costume for sale? I'm interested in a 6-9 month. Or if you have a pattern or instructions I'd be interested in that too.

#36 comment by Megan Williams September 22, 2020

I'm very interested this costume for purchase for my son size 6-9 months!! So adorable.

#37 comment by Caitlin September 26, 2022

I would love to purchase this costume for our 0-3 month old!

#38 comment by Kennedi wyman September 17, 2023

Is this for sale

#39 comment by sherry March 14, 2025

is this still available to buy or be made? will pay!

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