2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Bibleman Costume

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Bibleman Costume

Bibleman 2017

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Photo #1 - Bibleman 2017 Photo #2 - Shield of Faith- re-purposed Frisbee Photo #3 - Cape with cross on the back Photo #4 - Side by Side Character/Costume
Costume type:  Costumes for Boys
Category:Halloween Costumes

This homemade costume for boys entered our 2017 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Jamie, the 'Bibleman' costume creator:

My son loves watching the new "Bibleman: The Animated Adventures" and wanted to be him for Halloween. Since it isn't a popular show, there aren't pre-made costumes for this character. So we made him Bibleman.
The purple shirt and pants were from a thrift store
I used craft foam to for the Breastplate, decorative crosses, wrist guards and upper leg armor (using elastic to slip over the arms and legs). I also re-purposing a Captain America mask by covering it with the foam to create the Bibleman helmet. I added elastic around the neck and the waist of the Breastplate in order to be worn.

I purchased scrap fleece fabric from my local Joann Fabric and used this to cover an old Spider-man Frisbee for the shield and used hot glue to attach the fabric to the inside. The Spider-Man image was showing through the fabric, so I cut a circle of white card stock and placed under the fabric and it worked perfect. I added elastic as a handle to slide his arm through. The fleece fabric worked great for creating the belt; I used what I think is stabilizer interfacing fabric/paper (I purchased at a thrift store a few years back) and covered it with the fabric, sewed both edges and added the belt buckle embellishment. The boot covers were made from the fleece as well following the directions I found on this blog: https://thethingswellmake.com/diy-superhero-boots-two-methods/
Like the blogger suggests, I would make the fabric longer to make sure it doesn't ride up. I did add elastic bands near the arch of the foot, but I would add another one towards the ball of the foot to keep the fabric covering the top of the shoes.
And lastly for the cape, I purchased purple fabric, but not enough- I ended up using an old sheet I use to paint on for the inside fabric of the cape. I used a cape we already had as a template and attached Velcro to fasten around the neck after sewing it up.
Shirt & pants- $3.00
Sword- $3.00 with Joann coupon
Elastic, Frisbee, Helmet, hot glue, interfacing fabric- Already had on hand
TOTAL: #13.40

Rating: 4.3 of 5. Votes: 34

34 votes


#1 comment by Lindsay November 29, 2017

Hi, can you make one for my son?

#2 comment by Ashley Bell February 10, 2018

Is this something I can order from you for my son. There's a mother son dance in June and my son wants to be bibleman since it's a superhero theme. I'm in a high risk pregnancy right now so I'm not sure I would be able to get this done before baby comes and dance.

#3 comment by ZK March 4, 2018

Thanks for posting! really helped me make a bibleman costume for my son. I also made Bible girl for my daughter and me and my hubby were cypher and melody.

#4 comment by Jamie March 5, 2018

Hey Ladies, Thank you for your interests, I am actually unable to make any of these. I hope that it may help with getting one created.
Thank you though :)

#5 comment by Kim January 8, 2019

Amazing!!! You have inspired me to make this for my son who has been asking constantly for a Bible Man costume. :) God Bless you!!

#6 comment by Chase Shipley August 26, 2020

Can you make one for a 25 year old male?

#7 comment by Jen September 28, 2020

This is awesome! Are you still making these? Can I get one for my 4 year old son?

#8 comment by Jen October 6, 2020

How did you adhere the craft foam to the fabric for the breast plate and the upper leg armor?

#9 comment by Jamie Whisenant October 10, 2020

Jen, I attached elastic bands to them and he just slipped then on. Si they actually weren't attached to the fabric at all.

And I'm sorry, I don't make this, it was just a labor of love for my son that year.

Thank you all for your kind remarks.

#10 comment by Sarah Cooper September 29, 2021

Hi! I was wondering if you were selling these costumes? I can't find a Bibleman costume anywhere?

#11 comment by Danielle October 14, 2021

Your costume for your son gave me inspiration to do mine for my son. Thank you!

#12 comment by Paige Harrison August 18, 2022

Hey there! My son is begging to be Bible man for Halloween but I can't find a costume anywhere.. so you sell these?

#13 comment by Osaka C August 22, 2023

hi please how can i get this custume for my son's birthday in october

#14 comment by Gene October 13, 2023

Can y'all still make this costume

#15 comment by shawn May 21, 2024

Do you sell this

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