by Helena
Where the Wild Things Are Costumes
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Where the Wild Things Are Costumes
These are, as Max, Vi... and as Wild Thing, Carol, is Hoang. For these costumes... the makers(also the above) wanted to keep a "timeless" look so stuck as closely as possible to the BOOKS Illistrations. Amazingly enough, the materials for Carols Costume consist of mostly, 1 laundry basket(Carols head frame), foam(for her facial features) Colored Bath Towels, Faux Fur and Vinyl from the local fabric store.
Thanks for the great Entry Vi and Hoang.
Glad you got Photos!
Next time don't forget your Camera! Ü
Costume type: | Costumes for Couples |
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This homemade costume for couples entered our 2009 Halloween Costume Contest.
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Rating: 4.7 of 5. Votes: 6
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