Mario Kart Shyguy and Toad Costumes
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Toad and Shyguy complete costumes
Costume type: | Costumes for Kids |
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This homemade costume for kids entered our 2014 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Rick, the 'Mario Kart Shyguy and Toad' costume creator:
These are my 2 beautiful children in their Mario Kart Costumes. My 11-year-old son is a Shyguy character and my 8-year-old daughter is the character named Toad. You can imagine how happy I was to be told on Oct. 28th that they wanted to be these characters and I needed to make them costumes. The basic frames are boxes that have been cut, shaped, folded and glued to the desired shape. I am a graphic artist and have access to a large format printer so I was able to design and print (on sticky-back paper) all the sides, fronts and wheels for the Karts. Once printed it was just a matter of sticking the printouts to the boxes. The engines are nothing more than a box and a piece of styrofoam painted silver. All the pieces were carefully glued together with a hot glue gun. My son's Shyguy costume is just an orange hoodie and a piece of white foamcore for the mask. I cut the eye and mouth holes with an exacto and covered the backside with black mesh. Then I attached a piece of elastic so he could wear it. My daughter's Toad costume vest is a blue t-shirt with the sleeves and neck cut off. I split it down the middle on the front and used yellow duct tape to give it the yellow edges. The hat is a sleep cap stuffed with pillow stuffing and red cloth circles hot-glued to it. I added some rope and the kids just wore them over their shoulders. Those that recognized the characters were really impressed that they were handmade costumes and my kids were asked several times to stop and have their picture taken. It was a mad dash to get them done in time, but when I saw how happy and proud my kids were to wear them it made it worth every second.
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Rating: 4.9 of 5. Votes: 68
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