The Grinch and his Dog Max Costume
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the Grinch and his dog Max
Costume type: | Costumes for Babies |
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This homemade costume for babies entered our 2014 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Whitley, the 'The Grinch and Max' costume creator:
These are my two sweet boys. My oldest son, Teagan, who is 2 1/2, is dressed as the Grinch from the famous Dr. Suess story, 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas.' My youngest son, Taeson, who is 6 1/2 months is dressed as Max, the Grinch's dog, also from 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas.'
I was watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas one day with my two year old and thought to myself, "the Grinch would be a super cute costume, but how can I make that?" I have made a promise to myself that I am always going to make my kids costumes from scratch. I just have way too much fun making them! I started thinking about the costume and did some research realizing I need to buy olive green shaggy fabric. That is just what I did. I bought this fabric off of eBay for about $20. To make the Grinch I used olive green shaggy fabric, pieces of a tupperware lid cut to size to fit his foot to make the Grinch's long hairy toes, a tupperware bowl to make the Grinch's big belly, and some hot glue, needle and thread, and a dear husband to help me.
After I was finished with the Grinch, I needed to figure out Max. This was surprisingly more difficult than the Grinch. I wanted a fabric that looked like dog fur, I thought I would be able to find an coat or sweater that had similar fur at Goodwill, but I couldn’t find anything. Then I went to Ross one night looking for something to use for the fabric for Max. I had found it! Ironically I had found a dog blanket that was furry on one side and soft on the other. I decided that the furry side was going to be perfect for Max’s fur. I also made Max a hat with ears from a stuffed dog toy I found at a thrift shop. I cut the ears off of the toy and sewed them onto the hat I had made.
I used the same supplies as I did with the Grinch costume on Max. I accesorized the Grinch with a Santa hat and some make up and I glued on fur on his eyebrows and his side burns. I accessorized Max with reindeer antlers.
Both the costumes probably cost around $20 each. The costumes took a good week working on it everyday and there was green shag fabric all over my house, but I enjoyed every second!
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