2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

The Minion Family Costume

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The Minion Family Costume

The whole Minion Family

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Photo #1 - The whole Minion Family Photo #2 - Baby Blake Minion Photo #3 - Bentley the Minion
Costume type:  Costumes for Families
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes

This homemade costume for families entered our 2014 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Neena, the 'The Minion Family' costume creator:

We are the Minion Family. My son Blake is the baby Minion. My son Bentley is the Middle Sized Minion. Me (Neena) am the Momma Minion. I made these costumes from old foam mattress pads, oatmeal canisters, pop bottles, felt, and lots of hot glue. I love dressing up with my boys and it is a thrill when I get to make the costumes!

Rating: 4.4 of 5. Votes: 19

19 votes


#1 comment by Rachel October 17, 2015

Hi is there anyway you can make the baby minion costume for me please

#2 comment by Neena October 27, 2015

I'm sorry I just got this message. I just happened to see an email in my inbox about a comment on a costume. I'm sorry. I do have the one my 12 month old wore but I'm not sure it would ship in time

#3 comment by Christine August 27, 2016

You should make & sell them! These are by far the best minion costumes I've seen!! I have 3 boys...and LOVE these!!

#4 comment by Neena August 29, 2016

Thank you! I'm going to be selling the ones in the photo this year. I just don't have space to store all the costumes. My boys were robots last year.

#5 comment by Christine September 10, 2016

Please email me with pricing & other info because I am interested. My email is smile1798[at]aol.com. Thanks!

#6 comment by Kristi July 20, 2017

Hi Neena!
Do you still have the medium size minion costume available for purchase?
If so I am interested in purchasing it.
I look forward to hearing back from you.

#7 comment by Neena July 21, 2017

Yes I have the adult and the child's sized costume both for sale. If you email me hawiianalohachic[at]yahoo.com I can email you all the size information I have a shop on etsy and one on mercari.
Thanks :)

#8 comment by Kristi July 21, 2017

Hi Neena!
My email to you came back undeliverable.
Can you please resend your email address?
What's is the name of your Etsy shop?

#9 comment by Neena July 22, 2017

I got your email. I just responded. Thanks.

#10 comment by Rene' September 22, 2017


is there any chance you can make the infant sized costume for me?
if so i'd like to order one please

#11 comment by Louis Acevez September 30, 2017

Whats the shops name on esty

#12 comment by Dre October 23, 2017

Hi, I'm making my son and daughter the minion costume. Question. How did you make the eye balls and googles? Also did you use foam for the baby's costume? My daughter is 11 months old that's why I ask. Thank you!

#13 comment by Kate September 18, 2019

Hello! Do you have more minion costumes for sale? Thank you!

#14 comment by Jessie Doneth September 21, 2019

Do you make and sell these on Etsy?

#15 comment by Rukmini April 30, 2021

Can you make this minion for my daughter

#16 comment by Laken Hayes July 16, 2022


Do you make and sell these minion costumes? If so, I would like to order four for my family for this coming Halloween. Please let me know.


#17 comment by Shirley Dugan September 4, 2024

I'm thinking about making minion costumes for grandkids for Halloween and saw yours but would you mind telling me what you used for the eyeballs and goggles so I can decide if I want to conquer this project or choose something else.

#18 comment by Cheyanne allen March 6, 2025

Hi! Do you by chance still have these to sell or other costumes available to sell? I love your work! So cute.

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