The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Beautiful Butterfly Costume
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Front Veiw of Hungry Caterpillar and Beautiful Butterfly
Costume type: | Costumes for Kids |
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This homemade costume for kids entered our 2012 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Jessica, the 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Beautiful Butterfly' costume creator:
My Son is wearing the Very Hungry Caterpillar costume and My Daughter is wearing the Beautiful Butterfly Costume. My son said he wanted to be Caterpillar for Halloween and I searched at many stores and online to fine only 1 that I like but was 80 dollars so we pulled out the Book by Eric Carl and I decided that I could sew the costumes. So I went to the fabric store and bought several different colrs of fleece. I found a hat pattern online to add the antanans and eyes to. For the Caterpillar I sewwed 3 pair of feet and stuffed them then added them as I sewed the segments with different shades of green. Up the back I cut yellow, green, white and red strips of ribbon and lined them along the back. I cut cirles out for arm holes and half circled the bottom sigment. Then for the Butterfly I Traced a long sleeve onezize on Yellow fleece and sewed it together then made a loop on the back to attach te wings. For the wings I took several different colors of the fleece cut into differnt shapes and sewwed on to a large peice of white fleece. I attached elastic onthe end of the wings to put around wrist to help support the wings. I also made a tutu suing elastic and sew is in a circle then tule cut in about 18inch long pieces and tied around the elastic. The hats for both are the same. I used a hat pattern and cut the hats red. I put pipe cleaners in the green fleece to help support the antanas up and then made circle of yellow and green to create the eyes on both hats. The two costumes material cost a little less then $30, to make both with left over ribbon and fleece.
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