2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

CupHead Costume

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CupHead Costume

Cuphead pose 1

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Photo #1 - Cuphead pose 1 Photo #2 - Cuphead pose 2
Costume type:  Costumes for Boys
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Video Game Costumes

This homemade costume for boys entered our 2018 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Lynne, the 'CupHead' costume creator:

My son loves the computer game "Cuphead" and was thrilled when his dad and I offered to make the costume for him. The clothing is store bought, which includes brown hiking shoes ($28), black shirt ($6), white pants ($7), red shorts ($8). The head piece took six tries to get it right. The final attempt worked. Completely hand crafted by his dad, it is made out of foam board cut and glued to form the cup shape, handle made of foam, straw made of paper towel rolls, mouth cut and covered w/ black see through mesh (overall cost of head piece about $10). Then a baseball cap was glued to the inside so that it could fit comfortably onto my son's head to hold it on.

Rating: 4.7 of 5. Votes: 35

35 votes


#1 comment by Hiliana June 21, 2022

Is there any pics step by step on the process? This is really cool

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