2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Five Nights at Freddy's Costumes

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Five Nights at Freddy's Costumes

The group

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Photo #1 - The group Photo #2 - Foxy Photo #3 - Toy chica Photo #4 - The heads
Costume type:  Costumes for Groups
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Video Game Costumes

This homemade costume for groups entered our 2016 Halloween Costume Contest, and won 3rd place in the Best Children's Costume nomination!

A word from Carolina, the 'Five Nights at Freddy's' costume creator:

My children love to play five nights at freddy's, and along with there cousin decided to dress up as them. The costumes head masks are made from a plastic flower pot with added foam and duct tape to shape. Then felt/fleece hot glued, the eyes are made from see thru fabric so kids can see clearly.Toy chica is the only mask that wasn't made from a flower pot hers was from a cheese puff container cut in half then instead of glueing the fabric first sewed the pieces like a sphere then slided it in. The body pieces for all costumes were just simple sewing except for Bonnie that one has many pieces that are separate. I have uploaded pictures/video on you tube of my process with the costumes.

Rating: 2.6 of 5. Votes: 172

172 votes


#1 comment by Barb Russ July 16, 2018

My daughter would love this costume. How did you make this?!?!

#2 comment by Marie Harrison October 4, 2018

Can I buy the foxy from you?

#3 comment by Hue jass November 19, 2020

Foxy is the best looking in my opinion

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