Ghostbusters and Slimer Group Costume
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Slimer Costume
Costume type: | Costumes for Groups |
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This homemade costume for groups entered our 2013 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Jennie, the 'Ghostbusters and Slimer' costume creator:
We really wanted to do Ghostbuster's with Slimer, but they did not sell the Slimer costume in the store, so we decided to make it. We used chicken wire and zip ties to make the mold of Slimer. Styrofoam balls to make the eyes and a sheet of pink foam (Michael's) for the tongue, white sheet of foam for teeth. Then, we used Great Stuff Foam, which hardens, to cover the outside (Very sticky, must have gloves - doesn't come off easy). Then spray painted with florescent green. The Ghost Catcher was made with wood blocks, spray painted black and glued a hand shovel in between. Printed Black and Yellow striped paper to cover top. Goggles were created by using protective plastic goggles, spray painted green, then glued various sizes of pvc connectors and spray painted them black. Used a silver one on the end to look like a scope. Purchased blue garden gloves, spray painted black. Name tag found on the internet and printed out. Did purchase body suit, but could easily buy painter suit from Home Depot or Lowe's and make the logos and print out. Lots of fun!! Cost about $60.00
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