2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Homemade Gnome on a Toadstool Costume

In Cheryl's words:

Hi! My name is Cheryl, This is my homemade Gnome on a Toadstool.

Gnome on a Toadstool Costume


  1. TOADSTOOL Attach two pool noodles end to end with duct tape and trim. Set aside the leftover noodle segment.
  2. Center and glue the taped-together noodle on one edge of the red fabric.
  3. Roll the noodle into the fabric and run a glue line to seal it in a pocket. Then enclose the elastic in a pocket along the opposite edge, pinning the elastic's ends to hold it in place.
  4. When the glue is dry, bring the two ends of the noodle together and tape securely. Cover this joint with the unglued fabric ends and glue them in place.
  5. Unpin the elastic and gather the fabric to create an opening that fits snugly around your waist. Overlap the elastic's ends by 2 inches, secure them with hot glue, then trim.
  6. From the white felt, cut 30 to 40 circles 2 to 4 inches in diameter. Glue them to the toadstool in a random pattern.
  7. GNOME LEGS: To stuff the sweatpants, use an inflated balloon (about 5 inches in diameter) in each upper leg and a 9-inch length of the leftover pool noodle in each lower leg. Pull on the boots, securing them at the tops with duct tape.
  8. Put on the T-shirt, the skirt or pants, and the toadstool. With long pieces of tape, adhere the legs to your shirt.
  9. Use safety pins to hold the legs in a cross-legged position and to secure them to the toadstool. put on a pullover top, then arrange it to cover the waistbands of the gnome legs and the toadstool. Add the belt, hat, and beard.

Gnome on a Toadstool Costume

GREAT Instructions, Cheryl!

Thanks for sharing your beautiful costume
and all of your hard work too! Ü

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If you don't have the time or the inclination to MAKE a costume this year. If you've thought about it, but your heart, for whatever reason, JUST isn't in it... You can probably purchase a costume of the type you were planning to make... and maybe even for about the same as you might spend on the materials to MAKE a costume.
On the other hand, you may look around and spot a Costume that changes your Costume plans completely Ü.

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