2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest
Fairy King Costume
by Gore
LegoMan Costume
by Heather
Chainsaw Massacre Costume
by Garrett

Homemade Harry Potter Character Costumes

In Mrs. J's words:

These were pretty easy and fast costumes, but sometimes you need fast!

Harry Potter Character Costumes

Hermione, a college graduation gown with a sticker of the House and a tie from a drawer worked just fine. We braided her hair then took it out just before the party.

Our Owl is wearing a huge sweatshirt, of my alma matter, so I just flipped it inside out. Then used white felt to make a hood, painted on eyes and the collar of Hedwig.

Our Soul Sucker (Dementor) took the most work. It's a vinegar jug with the back cut out then painted. The chest plate is poster board. Even the ribs are just bent poster board taped down and painted with shoe strings to attach it. It's a leftover Halloween scary creature black robe.We made all three the evening before and all from items we had at home.

My Humble THANKS As ALWAYS Mrs. J! Ü


View other Homemade Movie Costumes:

Despicable Me MinionsDespicable Me Minions

Transformer CostumeBumbleBee Transformer

The Lone Ranger and TontoThe Lone Ranger and Tonto

Gizmo & Stripe CostumeGizmo & Stripe

If you don't have the time or the inclination to MAKE a costume for an event like a School Play or a Parade. If you've thought about it, but your heart, for whatever reason, JUST isn't in it...You can probably purchase a costume of the type you were planning to make...and maybe even for about the same as you might spend on the materials to MAKE a Harry Potter costume.

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