2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Maurice from Little Monsters Costume

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Maurice from Little Monsters Costume

Maurice Little Monstets

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Photo #1 - Maurice Little Monstets Photo #2 - Maurice lives Photo #3 - Maurice eating Doritos Photo #4 - Maurice Little Monster coming from under bed Photo #5 - Maurice vest Photo #6 - Back of Maurice jacket
Costume type:  Costumes for Kids
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes

This homemade costume for kids entered our 2015 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Mayda, the 'Little Monsters Maurice' costume creator:

My 10 year old daughter watched Little Monsters a few weeks ago. Right after movie she tells me "mom I want to be Maurice" told her if I find the jacket in next week we will do it. A cousin of mine had a jacket from high school :)
And sent it to me. I cut off the sleeves, started searching eBay and every store for similar buttons, medals and pins. Silver plane charms and silver stars sewn and glued to shoulders of vest! Used a drapery cord on one side of jacket? Chain link from Home Depot to hang off other shoulder., painted the patches on fabric and hit glued to jacket and sleeve of shirt. Horns paper mache on wire formed in headband . Bought blue bald cap, Mohawk made from a feathered boa I dyed in purple and hot glued to top of cap, warts on her face made from liquid latex and tissue paper, earring was a Halloween decoration I glued to an earring, light blue face paint all over, dark blue on warts and lips, black eyeliner around eyes, black jeans and converse to finish off the look. Used black teeth paint to give the illusion of pointy teeth, trick or treat bag I sewed liner in a large Dorito bag

Rating: 4.1 of 5. Votes: 12

12 votes


#1 comment by Katie Butusov August 21, 2019

Hi!!!! I am looking to do this costume! Where did you find the sunglasses pins? Lol Can I buy the whole jacket from you??

#2 comment by Mayda August 22, 2019

Not sure we are ready to part with his jackets lol I'll talk with my daughter. As for the sunglasses pin I might have extras. I keep a lot. I can send you a pair. I'll check what colors I have .

#3 comment by Katie Butusov August 28, 2019

Okay!!! I love it! I'm trying to find a vest! Do you know the best place to look? I've been trying thrift stores and everything! I cant seem to find any that fit good enough! If she wants to sell it, I'll buy it from her! =) send me an email.. kjmorningstar12[at]gmail.com

#4 comment by Katie September 22, 2019


Let me know if you can, where you found the pins! I still wanna buy the jacket, lol but I need pins! I'm so excited for this costume! =)

#5 comment by Mayda Garcia September 23, 2019

Katie I emailed

#6 comment by Ely June 27, 2020

Hi love the costume that's what my son wants to be this year trying to start early an you please let me know where you found the pins thank you

#7 comment by Mayda garcia June 28, 2020

Hey Ely, is there a specific pin you cant find? you can email me at mayda.garcia[at]gmail.com

#8 comment by Lyndsey Fisher September 30, 2020

Hi would u sell this costume please ir point me in the right direction into buy it please xx

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