2023 Halloween Costume Contest
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Nightmare Before Christmas Family Costumes

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Nightmare Before Christmas Family Costumes

Nightmare before christmas family

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Photo #1 - Nightmare before christmas family Photo #2 - Jack Skellington Photo #3 - Mr. Oogie Boogie Photo #4 - Lock, Shock, Barrel Photo #5 - Shock Photo #6 - Shock 2 Photo #7 - Lock Photo #8 - Lock2 Photo #9 - Barrel Photo #10 - Barrel 2
Costume type:  Costumes for Families
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Movie and TV Show Costumes

This homemade costume for families entered our 2013 Halloween Costume Contest, and won 2nd place in the Best Family Costume nomination!

A word from Julie-Anne, the 'Nightmare Before Christmas' costume creator:

My husband is Santa Claus, I'm Sally (the only one I didn't fully make) my oldest is Jack Skellington, next oldest is Mr. Oogie Boogie, next is Barrel, Lock, and my little girl is Shock. The masks for Lock, Shock and Barrel are made out of paper mâché. Mr. Oogie Boogie is burlap and he glows in the dark!

Rating: 4.5 of 5. Votes: 40

40 votes


#1 comment by Courtney July 19, 2014

Love the shock! do you have a pattern or can you make me one??? lol Best i've seen!!

#2 comment by Julie July 19, 2014

I just altered a girls night shirt pattern. I'll see if I still have the altered pattern. The hat is just a cheap walmart witch hat covered in the same material.

#3 comment by Liz September 3, 2014

How did you make the masks?

#4 comment by Julie September 4, 2014

The masks are our of a paper mâché clay and plaster of Paris mix. I used a hub cap, a vase and a squished ice cream bucket for my molds which I cover with packing tape for an easy release. Then painted them when they were dry. They take a few days to dry so they need to be made a week or so ahead. If you go on Instagram and look under #nightmarebeforechristmas or #halloweencrafts you have to stroll a bit but you can find the masks in progress still on the molds.

#5 comment by angel September 2, 2015

I've been searching for ages for a pattern for a shock dress. Is there anyway you could share which night shirt you altered?

#6 comment by Effie March 8, 2016

How did you make Mr Oogie boogie. It is so good!

#7 comment by Julie March 8, 2016

For Mr. Oggie is made out of burlap and an old set of sheets. The outside burlap suit was sewn to the inside sheet suit at the mouth, arms and legs, then stuffed in between the two. For the suits I just drew out the pattern by hand it was based on a three piece teddy bear pattern I found online here: https://www.google.com/search?q=teddy bear pattern
Instead of ears I pointed the top like Ooggie.
To get into the suit I put the opening on the inseam between the legs with a Velcro closure. When making the suit pattern I used my kid as a size gauge. You want it a bit bigger than they are to give it the right volume and folds. When the suit is assembled it with need some tacking and adjusting to make the face and the folds. Lastly for detail I added bugs, threaded yarn through the burlap to make to give it the seamed up look and sprayed the whole outside of it with glow in the dark paint. It's a hard process to explain but I hope I made it somewhat clear. There was a lot of fixes along the way but it was a super fun project!

#8 comment by Ruby September 1, 2016

I've been looking for a pattern of "Lock,Shock & Barrel" for quite a while...There's a Instagram page I've seen but they won't help out anyone with the mask patterns...Would you mind if you post your Instagram account? It would be a lot easier to find the post for the masks pattern.
I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
~ Ruby

#9 comment by Julie September 1, 2016

Sure:) My Instagram is mejofred the hashtag for the masks are these #halloweencrafts #nightmarebeforechristmas #lockshockbarrelmasks

#10 comment by Angelina September 17, 2016

You did an AMAZING job on these costumes!! I'm speechless they're so amazing!! I think I'm going to try to make the masks�� What kind paint did you use for the masks? I've never used Celluplay before so all this will be new to me so any tips or info would be very much appreciated��

#11 comment by Julie September 18, 2016

Don't worry, these masks were my first experience with the celluclay, it pretty forgiving. It sculpts similar to clay but more lumpy. It can be smoothed out with a little extra water on your hands. Also you can sand it when it's dry but, I kind of like the slightly rough look. Make sure you plan ahead the clay takes a long time to dry (2-3days). I wound up having to put mine in the oven on super low(which created its own challenges). I just used tole paint and coated it with an aerosol clear coat finish. They are super fun to make, ENJOY!

#12 comment by effie spiegler October 6, 2016

what did you use to make santa's beard?

#13 comment by Julie October 7, 2016

Santa's beard is long pile white fur from the fabric store. Just cut to shape, cut mouth hole, and added two elastic pieces to hold it on. One piece to fit around the back of the head above the ears a second theat went from sideburns area to side burn area over top of the head. It was very minimal sewing. Then you just need to brush the fur down in the right direction. Here's a link to show you what the material looked like and the store I got it at. https://www.joann.com/luxury-faux-fur-white-husky/14387674.html#q=White%2Bfur&start=11

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