2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Sansa Stark and Littlefinger Costume

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Sansa Stark and Littlefinger Costume

Sansa Stark and Littlefinger Costume

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Photo #1 - Sansa Stark and Littlefinger Photo #2 - Sansa and Little Finger Photo #3 - Chillin at the partay Photo #4 - With some of the crew Photo #5 - She's only a CHILD!
Costume type:  Costumes for Couples
Category:Halloween Costumes

This homemade costume for couples entered our 2017 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Carly, the 'Sansa Stark and Littlefinger' costume creator:

Hello! We are Carly and Anne from Ny, Ny! We are portraying Sansa Stark and Petyr Barlish aka "Little Finger" from Game of Thrones! For Sansa, I'm wearing a velvet dress thing, with a homemade cape made from a fur vest I had and my living room blanket! I'm wearing a money bag made from the pockets I removed from Little Finger's Asian Jacket thing! Little Finger is wearing a jacket from a second hand store, a sash made from an old shower curtain, and a mockingbird pin, made from a necklace that used to be a gold bald eagle til I snapped off the wings and painted it with silver nail polish. The Sansa costume set us back $14 and the Little Finger $25!

Rating: 5.0 of 5. Votes: 4

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