2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Worm on a String, aka Squirmle Costume

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Worm on a String, aka Squirmle Costume

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Photo #1 - side view Photo #2 - front view Photo #3 - strike a pose Photo #4 - accurate worm view
Costume type:  Costumes for Girls
Category:Halloween Costumes

This homemade costume for girls entered our 2022 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Jo, the 'Squirmle - Worm on a String' costume creator:

The wearer is me, Jo. I am eleven years old, and this is my halloween costume. I have been obsessed with worm on a string for two and a half years now, and I finally got to dress up as one! My mom and I used a sheet of memory foam and cut it into a tail piece and a headpiece. We used fishing line to tie and sew the headpiece together, and gathered the tail with the fishing line as well. I then brought the pieces over to my Nana's house. We wrapped the pieces in fabric, and created a tunic that connects the two pieces. We used a LOT of hot glue on this, but we used epoxy glue for the eyes. We bought tights off Amazon to tie it all together, and this is the final look! Took a few weeks to make and cost about $50, but it was definitely worth it.

Rating: 4.8 of 5. Votes: 292

292 votes


#1 comment by Echo January 20, 2023

Where do I get?!!!!

#2 comment by Kaitlyn July 24, 2024

How do I buy it and is it still available

#3 comment by Lamper July 27, 2024

Where do I get it

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