2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

The Projectionist Costume

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The Projectionist Costume

The Projectionist Costume

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Costume type:  Costumes for Adults
Categories:Halloween Costumes, Video Game Costumes

This homemade costume for adults entered our 2020 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Zephren, the 'The Projectionist' costume creator:

The Projectionist. The idea came from the game Bendy and the Ink Machine were their is a charecter of the same name. I really like the projector head that that charecter had and I desperatly wanted to wear a costume that didint obscure my vision. This seemed like a perfec fit, both really cool, and with my own light source for excellent vision on a dark and stormy night. I ended up changing a lot of things with the costume design but I think it held pretty well to the theme and feeling of the charecter. Sadly however even though field of view is unobstructed I have extremly small field of view with quite sharp tunnel vision in the costume.

Construction - This was a DIY Costume I made all by myself. I think I ended up spending around 50$ on the clothes needed for the costume.

- Head -> Cardboard, with yellow office paper glued to it, and then black ink painted on with a paint brush.
- Lens-> Flashlight from my bike, stuck into a rectangle of reflective window film.
- Interior fastenings head -> took and old hat of mine, and taped the cardboard head to it.
- Hanging wires -> Window air foam strip things that my dad had in the garage I spraypainted black and glued on with a hot glue gun.
- Body --> cost approx 50$ to buy a metalic black leotard and yellow overals wich I then painted on with black ink.
-- Reels on the head --> I put some small toy motors that were like 1$ each from the electronics store up thier attached them with toothpicks to the reels and now they spin like mad :D! (This was actully really difficult to get working right).

Rating: 4.9 of 5. Votes: 53

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