Woman gives birth to two headed baby Costume
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The Birth of two headed Baby
Costume type: | Costumes for Women |
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This homemade costume for women entered our 2011 Halloween Costume Contest.
A word from Ranita, the 'Two headed Baby delivery' costume creator:
I started with thin piece of plywood cut down to 4ft long and 2 foot wide. I cut a hole toward back of board (you must leave some board to put your IV pole behind you). then I covered that with a layer of white sheets to make it resemble the delivery table. Then I mounted blow up legs on a shelf mount on both sides of table so it would be high enough to hold them like stirrups. I used a silver spatula from the kitchen, bent it forward and it held my fake foot just perfect. I used rubber bands to help secure the leg and foot to the mount, then covered with another sheet draped over the legs. I was unable to find a right and left foot, so I just covered the right leg completely so the foot couldn't be seen. Then I used top half of the blow up body to build the Dr. It was part of an old costume from Halloween past. Put a pair of stuffed panty hose inside a pair of scrubs to make Dr. legs, added some blue paper shoes that barely reached the floor. I used safety pins and thumb tacks to attach the Dr frame to my table and the sheets to secure him.Put the yellow paper gown,and plastic Dr. mask and Paper hat on my Dr. Then I stuffed blue rubber gloves to make hands and attached them to sleeve of Dr.arms. I add a stethiscope, and a large syringe in one hand and my two headed baby in the other. I used small green glow sticks in the eyes of devil baby, then I added a small led light to my foot stirrup to shine on the babies. I took this whole table and mounted it with short screws on a frame made of PVC pipe, Then I cut the bars down on a portable clothes rack with wheels, about waist high and mounted the PVC frame to the bars. Then I mounted a silver pole behind the cut out. I used an old IV bag that someone donated to me,added a clear hose and taped it to my arm like an IV. Then I just used two garage hooks to mount on both sides of opening to use to push the costume on its wheels. Made it very easy to manuever around in a crowded area. All that is left is to get hospital gown, and paper hat, for yourself, and crawl under the sheets and stand up through your cutout. The biggest cost spent on this costume was the two headed baby. Total cost was $30, and it took me about a week to finish it.
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Rating: 2.1 of 5. Votes: 20
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