2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

The Grinch Costume

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The Grinch Costume

The Grinch Costume

This is 9 yr. old David M. and he looks to me to be a GRINCH! Very cute/cool costume.. Gotta love that face. Ü

My thanks to young David and to the sender Ü

Rating: 4.2 of 5. Votes: 157

157 votes


#1 comment by Pam April 28, 2012

This is too cute. My daughter is 3 and it is only May and she loves the grinch! so I began to look for costume ideas. This one is adorable. Great job:)

#2 comment by Dora September 22, 2012

I need to buy this costume or have it made for a 3t

#3 comment by KMMN September 25, 2012

What is the piece used for his nose? Where was it purchased

#4 comment by Stephanie September 25, 2012

What materials and how did you create this costume? My niece wants to this for halloween and I told her I would help

#5 comment by Kathy October 31, 2012

I would LOVE to know where this came from - was it bought or made? I would definitely add this to my must make list if there is a pattern for it!

#6 comment by Kennedy December 18, 2012

where do you get these from

#7 comment by Janeea February 15, 2013

I would love to purchase one. Can u make one for my 3yr old in a size 6?

#8 comment by Jamie May 5, 2013

I am wondering how this costume was made and if there is a pattern for it? Also the nose how was the makeup done? Any help would be great my son wants to do this for Halloween

#9 comment by stephanie September 2, 2013

My daughter is 3 and asked to be the grinch this year for halloween. Love this one...an help on how to make it or where to buy it would be great!

#10 comment by Jennifer September 14, 2013

Is there a pattern for this boys grinch costume? It is the best one I have seen.I cannot find a pattern anywhere.Please help if you can? I would greatly appreciate it.My son is 7 and he would love to be the grinch this year for halloween .Thank you

#11 comment by Liz Giberson September 25, 2013

Love this! Totally making one for my 3yr old daughter who is obsessed with the grinch as well. I'm going to use an animal costume pattern ( like for a bear/ cat) and make some adjustments! Thanks for the awesome pic. I def need to know how the nose/ makeup was done too!!

#12 comment by Charlotte October 7, 2013

hello, I need one for my 9 year old son, Please any tips appreciated or pattern that was used?

#13 comment by lesley StJohn October 21, 2013

would you be willing to make one of these costumes? I would love it for my 3 year old son!

#14 comment by Adriana November 19, 2013

I love it. I need to make one for a church and school Christmas play. Can you please tell how you made it or the pattern used?
Great picture and talent.

#15 comment by Camelia Prado December 7, 2013

Hello,My names Camelia! I'd like to see if you are able to make a Grich costume in a size 7 for my 4yr old son. How much would this costume cost?

#16 comment by Cari Darr August 13, 2014

I would LOVE to have one of these made for my son! Do you take orders? He is a 4T/5T. Pricing?

#17 comment by Lilly October 7, 2014

Where can I buy it

#18 comment by Yesenia October 8, 2014

Where did you get that onesie??

#19 comment by Renee W. December 4, 2014

Love it. I would like to have one made. Can you make this costume for me? If so, please contact me to discuss cost.

#20 comment by Denise Gabel-Comeau December 25, 2014

How can I order one in size 14 children's?

#21 comment by Kathleen June 4, 2015

How can I purchase this grinch costume for kids?

#22 comment by Shauna August 1, 2015

I also would love to purchase 1!

#23 comment by keri August 22, 2015

Where can I purchase or how do you make?

#24 comment by aimee August 27, 2015

Like the previous comments, would love to know how to purchase or make!!!

#25 comment by KAthleen September 18, 2015

I want to but one or more of these costumes. Please let me know how to buy one.

#26 comment by Kelly September 20, 2015

I love this: do you have a pattern or do you sell them? I'm interested!

#27 comment by RBW September 29, 2015

I would like to order one of these costumes in a children's size 10 (for an 8 year old boy). Is there a way to buy this costume?

#28 comment by Sandra October 15, 2015

I would love to purchase this for an eight year old. He wears a 10/12.

#29 comment by Valerie December 4, 2015

This costume looks amazing!! Where can I have one made? My Autistic son who is 15 yrs old loves this character... I'm looking to put him in this for next Halloween....

#30 comment by Cyn July 20, 2016

Where can I purchase or how do you make? Is awesome!!!

#31 comment by Marco August 12, 2016

How can I make or buy this costume?
It is absolutely amazing!

#32 comment by Brandi Smith September 3, 2016

I desperately need this costume for my 4 year old daughter. Where can I purchase? Or is it homemade? How can I make it? thanks LOVE IT!!!!

#33 comment by Diane September 15, 2016

I need this in 3t
What do I have do do to purchase it?

#34 comment by Katelan October 5, 2016

My three year old wants to be the grinch for Halloween, and I would love to purchase this costume! Any help?

#35 comment by Tiffany October 6, 2016

Is actually love this in an adult size!! Is it possible??

#36 comment by Bri Hansen October 17, 2016

Do you sell this costume?

#37 comment by Brittney eide October 23, 2016

Out of all these people the OP could not even help yall out ... thats the world we live in i guess . An adult cant tell another parent how to make a costume that their child wants to be

#38 comment by Debbie October 14, 2017

Wish someone would give info about this. I'd love to make it for my daughter for our town Christmas parade.

#39 comment by Priscilla September 22, 2018

I need this costume! Is it for sale???

#40 comment by Lisa killian October 15, 2018

Really wanting this costume..needing it in a 2T toddler

#41 comment by J. O'Niones October 8, 2019

This is an awesome costume. Is there a pattern or any information on if you can buy one or make one?

#42 comment by Terri Darnell October 24, 2019

Really wanting this costume. Need it in a 2T toddler

#43 comment by Anniesamba November 30, 2024

this is the best costume ive seen in forever!!!

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