2023 Halloween Costume Contest
Enter 2023 Costume Contest

Voodoo Priest and Priestess Costume

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Voodoo Priest and Priestess Costume

Voodoo priest and priestess

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Photo #1 - Voodoo priest and priestess Photo #2 - Voodoo priest and priestess Photo #3 - Voodoo priestess Photo #4 - Voodoo priestess
Costume type:  Costumes for Couples
Category:Halloween Costumes

This homemade costume for couples entered our 2017 Halloween Costume Contest.

A word from Carmen, the 'Voodoo Priest and Priestess' costume creator:

Homemade Voodoo priest and priestess costumes are made and worn by myself and my fiance.
(His) vest made from faux leather purchased at a second hand store and cut into vest. Painted with acrylics to look more worn. Hat made from used government issue sleeping mat, spray paints, and acrylics. Store bought body paints.
(Hers) Men's Jacket purchased at second hand store sewn to fit. Headdress made headband and skull purchased at dollar tree, spray paint, tulle i had on hand and feathers from Micheals Hobby store. Store bought paints.
Both staffs made from broom stick, dollar tree skulls, cheesecloth, spray paint, and dismantled Skelton from dollar tree.
Using items from the second hand store, items on hand, and coupons for hobby store, we spent approximately $25 to create these costumes.

Rating: 4.6 of 5. Votes: 7

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